Friday, January 23, 2009

This is what makes me happy.

There are so many things that make me smile...bring me a flash of happiness, but seeing my little girl hug her beloved Daddy really makes me happy.  the obviously love each other so much.  The highlight of her day is when Daddy comes home.   Every day he is greeted with cheers and a race to the door by his children.  (I don't rate that enthusiasm...just him!  :)
Maddy and her Daddy
Knowing that he is leaving so soon makes every moment even sweeter, but sad too.   I'm really not looking forward to having my best friend gone again.  It breaks my heart that my kids won't have him here to hold them anymore.

A few days ago, Maddy had her 4 year old shots.  I HATE HATE HATE taking my kids for shots.  Especially Maddy.  She is still so tiny and she is just, so heartbroken and devestated when she gets held down for a shot.  Matt graciously took time off work to take her.  I knew that she would sob harder with each shot and have that look of betrayal in her eyes.  but he said that when it was all over, they did their "no crying" routine.

He looks her in the eyes and asks, "What do we do when we get hurt?"   "sob Sob, Sniffle, mumble mumble"  "Shoulders back, deep breath"   "Sob, gasp, sob, gasp, breathe.....hug"  And she was done.

If it had been me....she would have cried in my arms for a few minutes before she calmed down enough to take a breath.  There is just something comforting about being in her Daddy's arms.  He is the hero and protector. It makes sense....his arms are the only place I want to be when I'm upset.  She (and boy) idolize him.  They look up to him and love him in a way that nothing and no one else could replace.  He is their Dad.

This wasnt' meant to be a sobby, whiney blog today...but it's hard not to be sappy when I see my little girl and her dad.


  1. that is so cute. I love the no crying routine, I'm gonna have to implement that too!

  2. Very tender and true post... :) Great pic of them too.


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