Yeah, I said it. Food Porn.
(Now my blog will probably be on the R blog list.....oh wait, last weeks rant probably knocked me out of the G category....oh well.)
Back to the blog.....Food Porn. That's what I call this blog. It's heaven to look at and makes me hungry just thinking about the yummy food.
But I look. I don't indulge. One, because I'm on a diet and I need to eat healthy (but that excuse is wearing thin-I'd probably be just fine) and Two....the big one. Cooking intimidates me.
Oh I can bake cookies and bread, but somehow I know that it will never be as beautiful as her stuff...and somehow that means not as yummy.
But I feel that I should cook more and scrounge less. So I pulled out the trusty crock pot today. I had been looking for breakfast when I saw a jar of orange marmelade and it inspired me.
Tonight we are having Glazed Chicken with Peaches. Sounds yummy, huh? Actually, I just made it up. I threw some Chicken Thighs in the pot with some chopped up onion, peaches and a nice dollop of orange marmelade. I'll season it with something when I get home from the gym so I can think of something better than just salt and pepper.....maybe some fresh rosemary? I'm not so good at thinking of spices to use.....
Well, enough blabbering, the site for food porn is actually called. ....(hold on while I go look, I never use the real name...).....The Kitchen Sink. Go check it out. Really, it's worth the drool on your keyboard.
Plus it cracks me up that she made an upside down plum raspberry cake on the same day I made peachy chicken.
I actually have a recipe for the exact same thing! good job, I believe it called for Basil and Rosemary. I'd go look but still in the process of unpacking! But good job on making that up it sounds delish and I will be adding some peaches to mine next time!