Thursday, June 26, 2008

Maddy Loo Whoo

I love this fabric. It was so bright and cheerful that I just had to buy it. It sat around for months until I spotted this pattern in Mom's fabric store, ahem, I mean, basement. Never mind, after a quick search I couldn't find an image online and if I wait to scan it.....well, I'd like to post it sooner rather than later.

So anyway, I found a pattern from 1978, coincidentally, the year I was I felt obliged to make it. It's got a unique neckline with elastic on the sleeves and no clasps, snaps or zippers. So quick and easy, right? Not exactly. Figuring out the wierdness of the collar took time and then I started helping Juliet learn to sew, so I didn't get much done. Then Juliet moved and it became a permanant fixture on my craft table.

I saw the coolest blog about OPAM. One Project A Month. The idea being that a super motivated person can do a lot in one month...but normal people with lives tend to get sidetracked and have a ton of unfinished projects and fewer finished ones! My one project this month was to get that darn dress finished.

As usual, it was not nearly as hard once I actually got started. Go figure. And as usual, it turned out way to big for Maddy. She is 26.4 lbs now and much smaller than patterns would lead you to believe. But it's done. Before the end of the month, no less. And with MATCHING HAIR BOWS. It's bright and flashy and fun and perfect to wear when we go see Suessical the Musical tomorrow!

And since I finished my OPAM, I thought, I bet I could make a matching dress for her doll....I'll let you know how long it takes to finish that one!

Maddy also decided that a dress is never done unless it has a great big pink bow....We finally wrapped it around her 4 times so she would quit tripping on it!

And as I'm writting this, Maddy just walked up and asked for a "Dr Point-mint" because she has "coughage" and needs a sticker. I love my little girl.


  1. Oh my goodness she is so freakin adorable! I love all the pictures you take. You have so many talents, I'm jealous! :-)

  2. She is so cute!! Great color on her too. Super girl! Such a spunk. I love it!


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