Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tiny Tiny Pieces of Boy

DSC_6376 copy, originally uploaded by Life Happens.

So I looked outside this morning and I saw Connor's little Buzz "Like-Year" standing guard over the pool. I had to smile as I remembered how he insisted that it was LIKE year, not Lightyear for almost a year.

Our family has a bunch of inside jokes, phrases and words that we refer to because the kids had trouble saying the real words.

We shop at ALL mart, not Walmart becuase "Mom, they have everything there so that's why they are All mart!"

Of course, short term memory girl is suddenly struck by a complete lack of here's another pic.

So much for blogging.


  1. We have little "andrewsisms", not that I can ever remember them either. LOL

    I am sure people would laugh when they hear us talk with the kids, they would have to, they wouldn't know what the heck we were saying!

  2. That is funny All mart...hey it's true! I know exactly what you mean about the memory thing, I do that non-stop! He has beautiful eyes and he's adorable too! Good job on making really cute kids!


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