Saturday, June 28, 2008

Green Thumb

DSC_6391 copy, originally uploaded by Life Happens.

Woo Hoo. My green peppers are doing great. I love to go out in the early morning when it's still cool and see how my happy plants are doing. I even enjoy weeding....go figure! It's nice to see progress and healthy plants growing. I can't wait to get some yummy food too!

The peppers are the only plant that is producing. My tomatoes are just starting to flower and the squash has revived but isn't showing signs of any pending veggies. The broccoli are strong and healthy, but are just stalks. After one tiny head, no progress has been made. My red peppers are just small and barely growing at all. Sigh.

If I'm completely honest.....I think that this is NOT a money saving venture. The cost of water is probably more than a few peppers would cost at the store! But I'll stick with it. I'm hoping I'll see more progress soon.


  1. I haven't been very gung ho about doing any type of gardening or anything, so kudos to you for actually doing it! I may try it in a few years but we'll see! Thanks for the tip on photographers - I had no idea that I had to be that specific I just assumed that everyone wanted what I wanted!


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)