But then life happened and I let too much time pass. The initial urge faded and I let this slip away.
But then Lightroom happened! I finally took the plunge! I love it and it really makes my life/job easier even though I'm spending more time learning the sneaky tricks than I am processing stuff. That's partly because I waited for a lull to jump in.
Anyway, I love it. 'nuff said. So I was uploading some pictures and I found all of the pictures that Maddy took with our P&S Kodak camera. I was laughing because so many were blurry because she would excitedly whip out her camera to capture something but run off before the shutter would click! We had to practice that quite a bit before the pictures improved.
I noticed that she loves to take pictures of tiny details. Lids of water bottles, texture on blankets....stuffed puppies posed in kisses and silly adventures. Silly faces are important too!
Here are a few shots that I found .... Taken by Maddy, age 6. I'm glad that she is having fun taking pictures! Although I wish that she had waited till after all the photo opportunities to scrape the skin off her nose! (She discovered that racing scooters down a rock filled driveway is asking for disaster.)
Hard at work at Crazy Horse, photographing Connor as they were on a treasure hunt and her favorite subjects....Grandparents!

Taking a well deserved cookie break while they watched the dancers. The kids are like their dad....when blood sugar drops, they get cranky fast!
She also took a bunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Colorado....and of course, the cousins had fun in the car, taking more pictures!
Love 'em...love 'em all!!!