Sunday, August 16, 2009

A shift...

I remember life before Cell phones, microwaves and GPS. I grew up with a black and white tv set in the basement.

I had a cabbage patch record player as a kid. I remember when walkmans came out. Not CD players. Cassette Tapes. There were no ipods, you want a playlist? Get the tape deck out and wait for the radio to play the song you want...and hope they don't talk before the song is done.

Nobody had cell phones. You couldn't call someone while they were out, you had to wait till they came home. Heck, when I got married, we didn't have an answering machine for 2 years. And phones had cords on them.

TVs had antennas, no remotes and a knob that clicked as you changed the channel...all 12 of them. They were big and bulky too. Just like our first game system. No cool graphics or fancy games. We had a cassette loaded game of Pong. our computer had games too. Text based games. A line of type came up and you typed in your directions.

I'm NOT that old. Sometimes though, I'm amazed at how technology has changed our lives and how fast the changes come.

I admit that I've been hesitant to jump into somethings. I didn't NEED a cell phone when they first became popular. Now I don't know how I would deal without it. I've been blogging for years now, but I didn't really get the point of Twitter. Facebook was just a random thing out there, but I didn't get it either.

And now, I blog, Twitter, and FB almost daily…pretty much at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. I think of it as less of a social network as a neural one. All of us are friends, now, because we are linked in some small way to each other, so it is only natural to want to respond to the problems that each one of us has.

    Yesterday my NCO asked a question that I didn't have an answer to. I texted a friend to wiki it for me, then I googled it myself on my phone...

    On the other paw, its harder to understand things, now. If I found a broken tape player, I could take it apart and make it work. Not so easy with a Zune, or an Ipod.


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