Saturday, December 13, 2008

trying not to freak out.

This incident happened yesterday at school.  By the time I figured out that it was not understandable, it was too late to go to the dr.  Anyone have any clue?  Was this a seizure? 

My son's school called and told me that he had a "bathroom accident".  He is 6 and in 1st grade.  I was shocked because he never has accidents.  I was unable to get to the school right away, so my friend brought him clean clothes.  She consoled me by telling me her son had an accident at the beginning of the year.  The kids get involved in a project and don't want to leave to go to the bathroom and sometimes they wait too long.  I was embarrased, but she covered for me.

After school, I asked his teacher what happened. She said that he was overly dramatic, upset and worked up.  She thought he was freaking out becuase he bit his cuticle and it was bleeding. She tried to give him a bandaid, but he fell on the floor and thrashed around and then suddenly got over it.  That's when she saw he had an accident and sent him to the nurse.

This is so out of character for him.  He bites his cuticles and never cares if they bleed a tiny bit.  So I talked to him when we got home from errands (in private so he wouldn't be embarassed).  He described it completely differently.

He said he "got up to get a pencil for the test.  Suddenly, my eyesight was all blurry.  Like when it starts to get dark and you can't see very good.  Then the next time I knew it,  I was on the floor and I had peed on myself"

I checked with the teacher and she admitted that he never actually said anything during the episode.  Could this have been a seizure?  I couldn't get him to the doctor because by the time I figured out it was more serious, it was too late to get in.  Should I take him in on Monday or will they just tell me to go home and watch for it to happen again?  Can they test if it is serious?  Any suggestions?


  1. Dana, I would take him in.

    Sometimes stuff like this *does* happen, even when it's out of character. HOWEVER, I think the first step would definitely be having him seen.

    Connor doesn't strike me as the kind of kid to make things like blurred vision up, although it's not uncommon for kids to use things like that as an "out" for an embarrassing situation.

    Bless his little heart!

    Don't be alarmed yet, though. There could be numerous relatively harmless explanations.

  2. I would add, don't let them blow you off either. Trust your intuition.

  3. That is kind of scary. It's always so hard to try to decide what to do. I used to get so tired of taking my kids to the dr only to have them tell me nothing was wrong. But I have decided that I would rather err on the side of too cautious. Because even if it turns out to be nothing at least then you have the peace of mind knowing he's fine. And if there is something that needs further medical attention you will know that, too and get him any help he needs.

  4. my friends daughter has seizures and she had to fight with the army to get her to a specialist so I would say go now and at least get him tested there may be nothing that they can do but at least people will be aware and better able to handle the situation if it arises again. I don't think he's covering up what he did because I don't think he would have laid on the floor he would have been at least trying to get to the bathroom even if he had waited longer than he should have. Best of luck and if you need the specialists name that my friends daughter goes to there in TX let me know I took her to an appt once and they were all really great


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)