Sunday, December 7, 2008

I am grateful for.....

Free Christmas Music....

Today at the mandatory fun time for Matt's unit (AKA: the Christmas Party) I had the chance to see my daughter's sweet spirit.  

The kids were playing happily with the playdough until Santa showed up.  Then Connor held his sister's hand as he provided moral support to a nervous (but excited) Maddy.  They each gave Santa a hug and thanked him for the gift (provided by us earlier).  Maddy was thrilled to get a tiny snowflake doll.  She gazed at it with complete joy and then announced, "I have to thank Santa!"  She ran back to the line of kids and stood there saying, "THANK YOU SANTA" and waving the doll for several minutes.  He was focused on the other kids and didn't notice her, but she didn't let that stop her.  She just kept trying to catch his eye and thank him for the gift.

That made my day.

I'm thankful for my children's sweet spirits.

1 comment:

  1. That IS so sweet. Lots of kids have to be remindedto say Thank you. Maddy obviously has a big heart.


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