Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sometimes I wish I was rich.

I saw these shoes on a blog....I LOVE them!  Aren't they cute?

So i went to the Fluevog website and looked them up. The "Zaza" shoes are my food budget....

plus some.

I wish I was rich enough that I didn't almost have a heart attack when I saw the price tag!


  1. Cute for sure.

    I find the best way to keep from wishing for unattainable material things is to keep my blinders on.


  2. Those are super, super cute! I love the green and brown ones, and I could totally see you wearing something like that!

    Now please tell me how you buy groceries for less than $239/mo!!! I thought was doing good at $400!


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)