Friday, October 17, 2008

For Crying Out Loud

I know many of those who actually read this blog saw my insane son at the Birthday party. He was running around and crazy as can be expected....the sugar hit him hard and he was running around.

He came home happy and tired. After prayer, I gave him a hug and could not believe how hot he was. 103.5! I checked in both ears several times to be sure. For CRYING OUT LOUD. I am so sick of this fever.

It's not strep. It's not an ear infection. He says he feels fine. So why the heck won't this fever go away? Every time I think he is comes back.



  1. could it be roseola? it's typically a fever first, then a rash when the fever breaks.

    just a thought


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)