Monday, June 2, 2008

Good Luck My Friend!

I was lucky enough to have Juliet as my friend this last year. We bonded over our husbands' deployments, our kids and our love of yoga. It developed into so much more than that.

Juliet is one of the few people that I can talk to about anything. I mean that. I don't have to hold back my opinion or thoughts; she is willing to accept that we may not agree and still wants to be my bud. We can talk about religion, politics, Walmart, school, life, you name it and even if we didn't agree...we could see each other's ideas and learn from them.

She is my granola friend that encouraged me to be more laid back and less critical of myself. We worked out together and stressed about our kids and husbands together...She ignored my critical view of the Army/world and still gave of herself cheerfully, running the FRG and supporting pretty much anyone who needed it.

I'll miss her in Arizona. But if any of you happen to see this red-head wandering around Ft H., say hi. You will probably love her just as much as me.

1 comment:

  1. So you're friend is going to Ft W - actually an H as I found out. So umm since we're moving there in August could you ask her about where a good place to live is? I'm hoping for a good neighborhood and not so dumpy looking apartments or rental house....thanks if you can find anything out and are willing too!


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)