Thursday, May 15, 2008

'Cause Tresa Tagged Me

Thanks to my friend Tresa for the tag

What I was doing 10 yrs ago?
May 15th, 1998... Matt and I were married (almost a year) and we were going to school at the Defense Language Institute at the Presidio of Monterey (CA). My appendix had just burst and I was on convalescent leave.

5 things on my to do list today:
1. Watch Sofia and take the girls to preschool
2. Clean kitchen and front room (my dailies that never end)
3. Finish the pictures from the newborn shoot and 1st Communion Shoot
4. Actually MAKE Dinner for once
5. Do Senior portraits this evening

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I'd be all responsible and invest some, pay off our debts (and my in-law's debts too). I'd help out other people and then....
Shop. I'd get a bunch of stuff that I really would like to have...a new fast computer, kitchen stuff, Matt's GTO stuff, my own trapeze
And I've always wanted to set up a perpetual education fund....

Bad Habits:

1. I do too many things at once. It takes forever to finish them.
2. I hate folding and putting away laundry so it piles up till I have about 6 loads to do
3. Because I'm so house gets put to the side
4. I spend WAY too much time online

Places I've lived:
1. Colorado
2. Michigan
3. South Carolina
4. California
5. Texas
6. Bosnia-Herzegovina
7. Texas (again)

5 Jobs I've had:
1. Baby sitting/Nanny
2. Soldier/Intel/Medic
3. Orthodontic Assistant
4. Yoga/Pilates/Water Aerobics/Body Flow Instructor
5. Photographer

Tag... your it:
1. Nadine
2. Jennifer
3. Juliet
4. Amy Johnson

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