Thursday, March 19, 2009

OSM Trapeze Boy!

Connor has hung on the practice bar (7ft off the ground) since he was 4, but now that he is a bit older (6 years old), he decided he was ready to fly on a full sized trapeze rig.

His first class was a bit nerve wracking for both of us. He really wanted to fly but was really scared. This time however, he told me that "Mom, I can do this all by myself!" And he did! I am so proud of him!

This is his second catch...perfect knee hang! The first catch was a one handed-fingertip catch...I had to let him try again, so I gave him my turn so he could have another shot....and it was perfect! He is so OSM!


  1. That is sooo totally OSM! Great job, Connor!

  2. I think it is so unique that your family does Trapeze. I don't even know how you would get started on a hobby like that. So cool!

  3. Woo HOO!!!!!! Great job, Connor!


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