Friday, February 6, 2009

Sex and Chocolote....a 4 year old version.

On the way home Maddie pipes up from the back seat..."Mommy, have you seen that commercial with the M&Ms?"

"The M&M is a girl and she has hands and fingers and feet and toes. Then she sticks her finger in the pretty chocolote and she just ATE IT ALL! Then all the other M&Ms are making silly faces at her."

Me: Yup. I've seen that one. (thinking, oh for heavens sake, here it comes.)

Maddie: "Do you know why they are making silly faces at her?"

Me: Um....(I really didn't think the issue of sexy candy would ever be an issue)

Maddie: "Because they can't believe she ATE IT ALL OFF HER FINGER!"

Me: um...

Maddie: "Did you know that some M&Ms are chocolote on the inside but some M&Ms are chocolote on the inside and on the outside too? That girl M&M, the green one that ate the pretty chocolote, is chocolote on the inside a little bit."

*dramatic pause*

"M&Ms have chocolote (wiggle "spooky" fingers here) blood."

OH MY GOSH! (As my daughter continues to explain the inner workings of M&Ms, I realize she thinks the other M&Ms are open mouthed and gaping because she is a CANNIBAL!

Go ahead. Treat yourself to some cannibalistic M&Ms for valentines day!

If you haven't seen the it is.


  1. holy cow I can only laugh. I don't know where she'd come up with the idea for that but it's hilarious. Good job at letting her just work it out though!

  2. Oh, if only they could stay that innocent always!!!!

  3. I hate having commercials like that, it's really frustrating that just a commercial can set a Mom into worry about the "birds and the bee's talk" lol but glad she came to her own sweet conclusion's thank heaven for

  4. Ooh, just adding fuel to my "I hate TV" fire. Today's kids are either going to grow up really strong, discerning thinkers, or they're going to be really messed up in the head. Maddy sounds like she's a strong, smart thinker and she'll get through it OK :)

    When I'm watching TV with my kids (yes I do it occasionally) and something weird comes on (at least once a minute), I insert my own commentaries to the kids explaining not to let the media mess with their heads, etc. Michael is getting pretty good at it, and we're learning the balance between mindless entertainment and discerning thinking, etc. (Big sigh) Just think of how much mental work I'd save if I just killed the TV. Wait, then I'd have to come up with something for the kids to do. AAAAGH!


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)