Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is something that I've dreamed of doing for a long time and I'd love to see others take part in this!

I want to recruit you to my lending team on Kiva, a non-profit website that allows you to lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur in the developing world. You choose who to lend to - whether a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia, or a tailor in Iraq - and as they repay the loan, you get your money back.

If you join my lending team, we can work together to alleviate poverty. Once you're a part of the team, you can choose to have a future loan on Kiva "count" towards our team's impact. The loan is still yours, and repayments still come to you - but you can also choose to have the loan show up in our team's collective portfolio, so our team's overall impact will grow!

Check out the US Army Wives lending team, and learn more about lending teams on Kiva in general, by clicking here:

Dana Stone

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Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)