Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fess up.

I read this on a great blog and it really hit home!  Maybe I should be more sympethetic about my families' clutter.

When it comes to clutter in our own home, every one else's clutter is way more annoying than our own.
If my shoes, for example, aren't exactly in my closet, it doesn't really bother me. After all, I know I'll get them back to where they belong...when I get around to it.
BUT, if my kid's shoes are our out, that’s a whole other story! That’s pretty darn annoying. I mean, the shoe bin is RIGHT there. ;)

EEEEK!  I guess I'm so guilty of this!  How about you?


  1. Yes! The same thing goes on in my head too! I guess I forgive myself for being messy because I'm the only one who eventually decides to go on cleaning rampages. No one else in my house cleans (except John who helps when things get out of hand). So I have a right to make messes, right?

  2. One minute a mess doesn't bother me and then suddenly I cannot relax unless it's all cleaned up!

    I think I'm pretty tolerant of clutter most of the time, which probably makes it more shocking for the kids when I decide the house is a disaster when only a minute ago it was fine with me, LOL!


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)