Tuesday, September 2, 2008

More stuff

In the spirit of giving 100 things away, I cleaned up Maddy's closet. I know that some of the things still fit around her waist/chest, but they are starting to get a bit short.

Some of them were 12 months! Crazy. Anyway, I have a bag of random, cute clothes to donate. There are even some handmade dresses in there too.

I hate to give them to Goodwill since 90 % of the clothes they recieve are torn up and used as industrial rags....so does anyone want them?

I didn't count them, but I suppose I should just count it as one big bag...although, I could count them and be pretty close to 100....

Just leave a message if you want a crack at them.


  1. Congrats you are a finalist in the Photoshop contest. Be sure to ask your friends to vote for you. ;) There will be 3 winners. Good luck!

  2. I'm constanly trying to simplify around the house. It sure seems like you have to be proactive about it, or "stuff" just accumulates so quickly!

  3. I would totally love that stuff! Darn if only I was pregnant and having a girl but I have two sisters that would love that stuff with youngens. So uh how do you feel about mailing it to arizona? lol...


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)