Sunday, July 13, 2008

Grateful for Saturday

1. We played board games all morning as a family and had tickle fights. No real fights or whining at all.

2. We saw Wall-E at the Cove Theater and got to cuddle on the couch.

3. I finally found a bridesmaid size 16 at the Killeen Mall.

4. The saleswoman broke the rules and called the Waco Mall to have them reserve it for me....and Matt drove me to Waco at 7 at night to pick it up before someone else bought it!

5. Matt sang to me in the car on the way home. I love when he does that!

So no more stress about finding a dress.....but then I realized, Matt doesn't have a suit that fits! I guess he will just wear church clothes...

1 comment:

  1. Dana
    I don't call that breaking the rules I'd call it really good customer service which is very hard to get in this crap town! So lucky you! :-)


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)