Monday, June 30, 2008


Actually, this was more to show a secret habit...I love to read kids books. Yup, that's right. If I have a choice between an "adult" novel and a "kid" or "teen" novel....I'll pick the teen. I heard that the Septimus Heap books were good (thanks Tresa!). I raced through them and found them to be a lot of fun. I wonder if they will be a movie one day? (Just like HP)

Mostly it's cause I read to relax. Reading about adult stresses, complicated relationships and issues just not relaxing!

Plus, I can guarantee that a teen book isn't as likely as an "adult" book to be full of gratuitous sex and smut.
I know, I said it's like it's a bad thing and some of you may disagree, but let's face it. If my husband is here, I'm very happy with him, thank you. very much. And if he is deployed....I don't want some fictional character rubbing it in my face that I'm not getting lucky!


  1. Isn't that the truth about all those sex novels! LOL I really like Francine Rivers. She writes Christian type novels...her Voices in the Wind series is really amazing so far. I wouldn't say it is a relaxing read... it highlights women in the bible. So it can be intense, and bring lots of reflection. I also like Lunds "Come Follow Me" series. Historical Fiction type stuff has been interesting to me lately. Well, with these two authors. LOL

  2. You crack me up! I think reading is such a wonderful way to relax. At least you're not watching mindless tv. :)

  3. I couldn't agree more! I thought saying something like that was against all "mormon" stuff...well I find myself to be a little more open than most! ha least I'm not alone! :-)


Blah Blah Blah! I know you want to let me know what you think! :)